There's cipro, potassium iodide and the smallpox vaccine to ward off biological agents. 我们有西普罗、碘化钾和天花疫苗来对付生物病原体。
The smallpox vaccine is a completely new product that will be added to the Strategic National Stockpile. 这是一种全新的牛痘疫苗,将加入战略性国家贮备。
Because smallpox vaccine uses live vaccinia virus, it can sometimes cause severe and sometimes fatal side effects. 因为天花疫苗是使用活的疫苗病毒,有时它会造成严重的,可能会致命的不良反应。
Smallpox has been brought under control by the use of vaccine 通过种牛痘天花已得到控制
Thanks to its resemblance to the smallpox virus, researchers were able to use vaccinia as a vaccine for the disease, eventually leading to its eradication in the late1970s. 多亏痘苗病毒跟天花病毒有相似之处,研究人员能够利用痘苗病毒作为疫苗来预防天花,最终在20世纪70年代末期彻底消灭了天花病毒。
He was vaccinated against smallpox. Newcastle Vaccine 他种了疫苗以防天花。新城疫疫苗(一种防治家禽疾病的疫苗)新城鸡瘟疫苗
Today, countries welcomed progress on WHO's work to establish a global smallpox vaccine reserve. 今天,各国对世卫组织为建立全球天花疫苗储备开展的工作表示欢迎。这一储备将用于天花紧急情况,尤其是那些没有资源建立自己储备的国家。
The terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 led to worldwide demand for smallpox vaccine for use in case of a biological attack and, in 2002, the company won a tender to supply the British government. 2001年的911恐怖袭击导致全球天花疫苗需求大增,以备爆发生物袭击时所用;2002年,该公司赢得了英国政府的供应合同。
There is, in addition, a pregnancy registry of160 women exposed to smallpox vaccine during or immediately before pregnancy, identifiable by testing; data from the pregnancy registry are pending. 此外,还有一份妊娠登记记录,包括160名在妊娠期或妊娠前不久暴露于天花疫苗的妇女(可通过检测确定)。
The reports included a detailed review of the safety of smallpox vaccine based on historical data as well as recent experience, particularly in the United States. 这两份报告包括了一份详尽的,主要以美国的历史资料和近期经验为依据的有关天花疫苗安全性的综述。
Millions of doses of antibiotics and smallpox vaccine have been stockpiled to guard against biological weapons. 为防卫生物武器的袭击,美国已贮备了数百万支抗生素和天花疫苗。
The smallpox vaccine has saved many lives. 天花疫苗挽救了许多人的生命。
Develop a smallpox, polio, rabies, etc vaccine Causes and follow-up of patients with hoarseness caused by diseases from larynxs 培养天花、小儿麻痹症、狂犬病等的疫苗.46例声带麻痹患者的病因分析与随访
It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus ( variola), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine ( vaccinia), and the cowpox virus. 它属于一个包括天花病毒、在天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒组。
During the next years, it supported research to compare the effects of different strains of smallpox vaccines and fostered efforts to improve vaccine production methods. 在随后的数年中,世界卫生组织支持了比较不同菌株天花疫苗效果的研究,鼓励改进疫苗的生产方法。
The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus, which is the agent of smallpox. 痘苗病毒使用在牛痘苗时是无害的,因为它与作为传播天花媒介物的天花病毒相关。
Further research confirming the relationship between stopping the smallpox vaccine and the rise of HIV would not surprise William McNeill. 进一步研究发现,艾滋病病毒蔓延与天花疫苗接种停止有关。
"Issued an interim guidance on the use of smallpox vaccine, cidofovir, and vaccinia immune globulin in the setting of an outbreak of monkeypox." 发布对在猴痘暴发区域里使用天花疫苗、cidofovir和牛痘免疫球蛋白的临时指导
Challenges Confronted in Smallpox Vaccination and DNA Smallpox Vaccine 天花预防接种面临的挑战与DNA痘苗
Detection of the potency of smallpox vaccine by microtitration 应用微量滴定法测定天花疫苗效力